
fshemeja 2024-04-28 11:27:54


Some professional topics in China-US securities regulatory cooperation have been politicized, he said, calling on the both sides to build mutual trust in professional regulation and deliver more confidence to the market.


Some other people were willing to cooperate with the hospitals based on the promise of free physical examinations, Beijing News reported.

Some analysts predict that the central government may issue special sovereign bonds worth 1 trillion yuan (1 billion) or more this year, while the deficit-to-GDP ratio may be raised to 3-4 percent from 2.8 percent last year.


Some key figures from the opposition camp have either announced their plans to "retire" or have left the city.

SoftBank said the demand for the shares has been much greater than the number of shares they are allocated to sell, and the company will sell all reserved shares for extra demand.

Some of the Chinese time-honored brands that have been bywords for older generations faded from view but have then made spectacular comebacks. [Photo provided to China Daily]


Some airlines cited worried customers for grounding the Boeing 737 Max 8, as experts chased details on why the plane crashed shortly after takeoff Sunday, killing all 157 on board. Answers could take months.

Some 20 proposals were put forward in a bid to curb agricultural subsidies and other measures considered as counter-free-trade, but none were agreed on.


Some activists said they were gearing up for operations to start Sunday and planned to protest. Organizers estimated a rally planned for Saturday in Chicago would draw around 10,000 people.

Song Xianmao, deputy director-general of the ministry's foreign trade department, said the quality growth of the Chinese economy has built an advanced platform to facilitate its foreign trade, with greater domestic consumption expected to inject new growth momentum.

声明:资讯来源于网络,属作者个人观点,仅供参考。 投诉
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